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Recent Blog Posts
The Power of Writing Things Down - When I’m rushing out the door late for an appointment, my wife inevitably asks me to pick up some skim milk, real butter and jumbo eggs on the way home. “Three items. Nothing unusual. I’ve got this,” I tell myself and commit the task to memory. But then come the pesky addendums to the list… Read More
Don’t Be a Wise Guy (or Gal) - Lately I’ve been hearing more and more abuse of the suffix “wise” by people trying to make themselves sound more important. During the recent World Series, a TV announcer reassured us that New York Yankees ace pitcher Gerrit Cole hadn’t changed “demeanor-wise” after giving up a game changing grand slam to the Los Angeles Dodgers.… Read More
Ditch the Duplicatives - Just when I thought we were eradicating cliches like “space” and “low-hanging fruit” and “it is what it is” from business communication, a new scourge has surfaced – the duplicative. That’s when you add redundant words to a simple phrase to make it sound more important. Stop doing it! I don’t have stats to back… Read More
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Cecil Nazareth
“Our great editors over the years, who keep me on track with a strict weekly
schedule, who help me economize my words, clarify my thoughts, and tie my
random ideas together into cohesive narrative. Hank and team bring me down to earth when I
get overconfident and their dry sense of humor never fails to pick me up when I’ve had a
tough day and am too tired to write or create.”
Randy Hubschmidt
HB is extremely creative and they always bring practical, actionable ideas to the table. They have a pragmatic, efficient approach to helping us refine our message in a clear and concise voice that resonates in today’s ‘get-to-the point’ requirement in order to be heard. They do all of this within the larger (strategic) picture of building our brand and broadening our reach.
Guy Baker
HB has the unique ability to blend together multiple disciplines in a creative and organized way. [Founder] Berkowitz brings his many gifts to a project and always delivers on his value proposition.
James Nevers
I have been working with HB for a number of years and during that time they have helped me stay focused and on schedule with my writing goals. They are great accountability partners with decades of editing experience that helped me turn my technical knowledge into articles my clients and prospects can understand. Thanks!