The Power of Writing Things Down


  • There’s also something called Eidetic Memory which we all have to some extent. Basically, it’s the ability to recall a visual image and link it with an emotion, physical action or another organic function. This involves the cingulate cortex and is more profoundly influential on our lives that we are aware of.

    Writing something down involves multiple functions and establishes an eidetic memory of the written note that is quite enduring., especially if there is something distinctive about that particular note, ( a small doodle, an unusual color, etc).

    I’ve used the same daily “black book” without any electronics for 15 years and its never failed me.

    — Thomas G. Hedberg, MSc, PhD
    Executive Director, International Medical Crisis Response Alliance (IMCRA)

  • This post is extremely timely for me — I’m in the very early stages of writing my own book, working title “How Writing Saved my Life: My journey through grief and forgiveness.”
    I’m adding this to my heap of research. I’m looking forward to next week’s post.

    Liz Farr, CPA
    Farr Communications

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